Monday, February 16, 2009

High Noon

Set off today to test a ND filter I have that I accidently bought awhile ago. The thing is so strong if will allow for a slower shutter speed even in bright sun. Use it anytime else and you will wait forever for an exposure. So, I figured I would try a seascape at high noon. Normally you would not be able to get a long enough shutter speed to blur the water. But, with this thing I got a shutter speed around 5 seconds. Okay, not the best photo in the world, but not bad for a shot taken at the brightest time of the day.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Feeling Lazy

Gee, figured I would get up early since this was my first weekend back and get some sunrise photos. But, woke up with the sun already up so that is blown. Oh well, I like sunset photos better anyway. I still have to adjust again to the slower pace. Was almost getting used to the hustle and bustle of the Philippines. Life here in American Samoa is certainly much much slower. I decided to re-focus my attention on photographing the landscapes/seascapes here. I have gotten too used to the beautiful countryside here after 5-years and a lot of the "wow" factor has been lost. Hopefully I can get that back and start shooting again.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Manila Bay

Well, I just returned from three great weeks in the Philippines. God knows I really needed a break, but now I am back and refreshed. The Philippines is so great, with wonderful and friendly people. I am always dismayed at how it gets a bad rap sometimes. Like I tell people, anywhere in the world, you need to know what to do and where to go. Take California for instance. A great place but there are areas you would be crazy to go. Same with the Philippines. If you go to the wrong places you can get into trouble. But 99.999% of the people are very friendly and I love the culture.
The photo above is taken at Manila Bay. Cars and trucks going by right behind you on the road, Manila Bay offers some stunning sunsets. I captured this photo on my last day in the Philippines and thought I would share. The colors are real and not manipulated. The sunset was incredible and was a great way to end my trip to this country.