Sunday, March 7, 2010

You Talking To Me?

Well, finally decided to go camping. Got the permit to go to Two Dog Beach (as alot of people call it) and Saturday morning loaded up the boat. And man, we are talking about loading the boat. With six kids total, we had a full boat. Lots of juice and food, as well as blankets etc. Of course, I had to bring my camera equipment and fishing gear. We got the boat loaded at 11:00AM and it was a full boat. Headed out of Malakal and smack into high winds and rough weather. Of course, we are in the reef, but we had a swell and a full boat. In hindsight would have cut through the rock islands on the inside, but we braved it. Within minutes not a dry person on the boat. After an hour we hit Ulong and I was seriously thinking of camping there. But as we got around Big Toi, we got a little bit in the Lee and I decided to battle on. By 1:00 we were there. Pulled up the boat and all the kids except for my oldest daughter jumped off and started to swim. That left us to off load the boat. Finally got camp set up around 3:00PM. Two Dogs is great as the beach is sandy and there is a nice area to swim. The wind was blowing and although I was tied to a mooring next to the beach, I threw out an anchor in the front and another behind to keep the boat from swinging. By 6:00 it was low tide and the boat was high and dry sitting on the sand. Got the fire going and started cooking. All the tourists were gone by now and we had the place to ourselves. Kids running and screaming, grill going and cold drinks. Couldn't get better. As night came you could tell the kids had never been camping as the sounds made them nervous. But it was great and took them walking looking for sandcrabs and just looking at the million of stars you could see. By 11:00PM they were so sleepy they went to their tent. I sat in my tent and listened to them until they went to sleep. Unfortunately, I forgot to pack a pillow or blanket for myself so slept in the tent with a towel for a pillow. It was not cold, but I'm getting too old to sleep on the hard ground. Think I slept maybe three hours. At 2:00AM it started to rain, but the tents I had never tried before were great and not a drop of water inside. Woke up in the morning to another low tide and grabbed my camera and got this interesting shot of an Egret. At 10:00AM we packed up to head back. The wind was blowing and I knew it would be a rough ride back. It was and we pounded our way back home. All in all, a great trip and the kids can't wait to go again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The picture of the bird makes me laugh..
hehe...nice picture!

muslin backdrops