Thursday, May 6, 2010

Finding Beauty

Pasig river is very polluted. But I managed to get a nice photo from the walls of Intramuros shooting across the river. The dark clouds worked well I think with the image

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Our Lady of Guadalupe Church

I took this photo on my last trip to the Philippines. It was very dark and no tripod was allowed so shot this handheld at ISO 800. My canon 50D did a good job at controlling the noise in the photo. Would have been nice if the light wasn't shining on the painting but not much I could do about that. I forget the exact details of this church but it is the Our Lady of Guadalupe Chapel inside Intramuros. I had been to the Philippines many times but never here so decided to wander around for the day exploring. It is worth the trip but beware, when you exit it is a nightmare trying to find a taxi.
I spent the evening tonight getting ready to fish as it is Senior Citizens Day tomorrow in Palau, which is a holiday. Got a new fishing pole I want to try out but it is kind of windy so will have to play it by ear.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dolphins in Palau

Wow, it;s been over a month since my last post. Was off island for awhile and they busy with work. Also didn't have any photos that I wanted to post. But, on Saturday went fishing and on the way back a pod of dolphins showed up and put on a show. There must have been at least 50 of them. I almost didn't bring my camera that day but am glad I did. This is one of my favorites. You can see Koror way in the distance and we were about 15 miles offshore. We were also lucky enough to find a floating buoy and ended up catching a bunch of tuna/mahimahi/wahoo that day.