I was going through my photos from Christmas last year, looking for something to post to start off December. I came across this photo of my dog. We called her Lady. She was actually a stray that started to hang around our house. She was malnourished and the kids started to feed her. Soon, she was living under the porch of the house. I told the kids to give her a bath and flea dip if the dog would let them and she did. Then, one day the kids let her in the house while I was at work. Ironically, when the dog had to go to the bathroom, she went to the door and barked. The only thing we can figure out is that she belonged to some family and was an inside dog, but maybe they moved away and just threw their dog out the door. That is how it is here, with so many stray dogs and a lot of people that mistreat dogs. Granted, with so many dogs roaming, people get bit. But ironically a survey done showed that most of the "stray" dogs have owners. They just let their dogs roam around. People carry sticks when they walk and any dog that gets too close will get a whack. Now with our dog Lady, one day a neighbor dog came around and the kids opened the door and lady ran after the other dog. My kids chased her and she ran across the street until the kids yelled for her to come back. She stopped and headed back to the kids when a car came down the road and swerved to deliberately hit the dog. They killed her right in front of my kids and then just kept driving down the road like nothing happened. People across the street saw what happened and got a license number, but it would have been useless to report it. I was only glad Lady died instantly as there are no good vets here and at least she didn't suffer. I tell the kids at least she had a good life with us and that she would have died a long time ago if we had not taken her in. Funny thing is, she was the most gentlest dog and would never hurt anyone and to this day I hope the person that ran her over has bad karma because of it. So, this will be a Christmas without lady. But we got another dog and named her tramp (she came from the humane society). With all the dogs out there, if you are planning on getting a pet, consider getting one from a shelter. And remember, pets are a lot of responsibility. Don't just get a dog and throw it outside to fend for itself.
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