Thursday, October 16, 2008

Alternative Views

Okay, you got that photo of the waterfall you wanted, but don't stop there, explore downstream if you have the chance. You may be able to get some photos of the smaller pools, which can make for a great photo also.
Now for this photo I wanted to go for the orton look. Michael Orton was a landscape photographer that created some beautiful photos. Although he used slide film, you can create the same look with digital. Here is how:
1. Open your original file in Photoshop
2. Go "Image" "Apply Image" and change the blend mode to Screen and opacity 100%. Click Ok.
3. Go "Image" "Duplicate" and when the box opens, click ok. This opens up your duplicated image.
4. On this new image, go "Filter" "Blur" "Gaussian Blur". Set the radius between 10 to 50, the higher the radius you set, the more dreamy the look (which can easily be overdone). I use around 25 for the most part. Hit ok.
5. Now go "Select" "All" and then "Edit" "Copy", Minimize or close this photo (which brings you back to your original photo.
6. On the original photo go "Edit" "Paste".
7. On your layer pallete, change the blending mode from "Normal" to "multiply". If you like it you are done, or you can change the opacity.
Once you got that, you can go ahead and play with your curves etc. to get your final photo. I hope this was helpful. It doesn't work for every photo, but give it a try, you might like the results.

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