Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ups and Downs

It's funny how we take so much for granted. It was a bad day today. The air con in the house was broken (if you live in a place with the humidity as high as it is here you would understand) and just wasn't a good day. Then went to the beach after work and watched a nice sunset and realized life isn't that bad. I'm lucky enough to like in a place that is safe and I don't have to worry about my kids in school (so much violence in drugs in a lot of schools now in the U.S.) and it takes me two minutes to get to work. And looking at CNN, just being happy I'm in a job that has some good job security (knock wood). It brought me back to when I first went to the Philippines. Prior to that trip I used to think I had life tough. Then I saw so many people living in homes that didn't have a toilet and shower, let alone hot water. So sometimes you just need to count your blessings and be happy with what you have.

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