Every once in awhile you will get a unique photo opportunity. That happened to me earlier in the year when there was a Lunar Eclipse. But, It wasn't going to be until late at night (I'm normally an early sleeper) and the weather looked cloudy. Luckily, I decided to stay up late and ended up shooting a series of the eclipse that is now one of my favorite photos. Taking good photos will often require you to get up before dawn or stay at a location until last light (or beyond). Anyway, when shooting the moon, I always shoot manual. I generally start off at 1/125th at f11 (ISO 100). Remember, the moon is bright. Look at your histogram and make sure you don't have any blown out hightlights. Also remember your histogram will be bunched up to the left as the sky is black. Once you get a good exposure, I would also bracket some shots just to make sure. One more thing, you are better using a long lens (how many of you have taken a beautiful moon photo only to get home and it is so tiny). These photos were all taken with my canon 100-400 lens at 400mm. If I had a 600mm I would have used that.
I hope you enjoy the photo.
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