Aiga Bus is the local form of transportation in American Samoa. If you visit, you need to ride at least once. It is kind of a neat way to get around and the price is right. But be warned, they often play loud music and you will even face the occasional person smoking
cigarettes (which is actually against the law but no one enforces it). The two photos attached are quite different. The first is a
HDR photo I did. The second was shot with a slower shutter speed and I panned the camera while the bus drove by. Panning is a great way to introduce
motion into your photos. It takes practice and I admit I am not that great at it. Using a tripod is the easiest way and put your camera in shutter priority. You also need to put your camera in AI Servo (read your camera's manual). This allows you to track your subject and remain in focus. You press your shutter half way and then track holding the shutter half way. Then press all the way to take the photo. The photo below was shot using this method.
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