I was thinking about what to post tonight and decided to post this photo of a young Taiwanese woman who is from a small village. When many of us visualize a place we have never been to, we often have pre-conceived ideas of the place and it's culture. Many people think of Taiwan as a large city. But, Taiwan, like many Countries, has both city and Country life. To see a place, you must venture off of the beaten path and get out into the Country. I often travel to the Philippines and hear so many people say how crowded and polluted the place is. Yet, they never even bothered to get out of Manila, and many stayed in a small area, afraid to venture out. My advice is simple, don't be afraid to get off the beaten path and explore. You may come back with a whole different view on life. The Internet offers us with a wealth of information on places to see, as well as what is safe (safe is a relative term - how many people get murdered each year in their own homes). Do your research and the next time you travel, forget about the tour groups and go on an adventure.
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