Monday night in American Samoa and tomorrow is a holiday. American Samoa has a proud history of Samoans serving in the Military and it is something that the Country should be very proud of. They have lost 5 brave people just in the Iraq war, which when you consider the population is just over 60 thousand, is a lot on a per capita basis. Despite your views on the War, these proud men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice for the U.S. and I hope that everyone remembers tomorrow is not just a holiday, but Veterans Day and that people in the U.S. would not be free if not for the sacrifices that our armed forces have made over time to ensure our freedom. I wish I had an appropriate photo for Veterans Day, but I do not.
The photo to the left is a beautiful Tahitian Dancer. It was shot under cloudy skies, which is the best light for taking photos outside. The clouds act like a large softbox, diffusing the harsh sunlight. I used to think that the noon day sun was the best until I started to learn more. Now, I realize the harsh sun in the afternoon does not make for good photographs. Instead, use that time to scout for new locations or other activities. Use the morning and afternoon for taking photos and you will get much better results.
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